It’s just part of the fitness journey!

In the world of fitness, progress is not always linear. At some point, every journey experiences a slowdown, where achieving desired changes becomes more challenging. It's during these plateaus that remaining committed and trusting the process becomes crucial. Here are some tips to help you break through those barriers and achieve your goals.

Understand that Plateaus are Part of the Journey

Everyone experiences plateaus in their fitness journey, and this doesn't mean you have failed. It's just a natural part of your body adapting to the changes you've made. Accepting this ebb and flow is a step towards making long-lasting progress.

Reassess Your Progress Indicators

The scale is just one measure of progress, and it doesn't always accurately reflect the bigger picture. Focus on other markers of improvement, like increased strength, improved stamina, or overall wellbeing. Celebrate these victories and let them motivate you to keep going.

Add Variety to Your Approach

While routines are important for consistency, they can also lead to stagnation. Introduce some variety into your workouts to challenge your body in new ways. Not only will this prevent boredom, but it will reignite the motivation you need for ongoing progress. If you've been doing four sets of ten, try switching to heavier weights with less sets and reps. Don't be afraid to push yourself – workouts are about intensity.

Trust the Process

Making significant transformations takes time, and impatience can hinder your progress. Recognize that each day you dedicate to the process adds up to the progress you'll make in the long run.

Evaluate Your Eating Habits

Examine your eating habits closely and evaluate whether they are aligned with your objectives and provide the energy you need for your exercise routine. Making tweaks in your food choices can sometimes lead to enhancements. Remember, it's not just about the calories – it's also about how your body handles what you eat.

Breaking through plateaus requires patience, commitment, and a willingness to try new things. Keep these tips in mind and you'll be well on your way to reaching your fitness goals.


Marie 🩷

Marie Summers

Certified Personal Trainer | Nutrition Specialist | I Specialize in 1-on-1 nutrition, exercise, and mindset coaching for women. The coaching aims to help women become their fittest, healthiest, and most confident selves. I’ve helped hundreds of women gain strength, lose body fat, and improve their health.

Empowering Your Fitness Journey


More than just a toned body.