How to stay consistent

It’s amazing how often we treat ourselves the worst. We go out of our way to support others, yet when it comes to self-care, we fall short.

We speak negatively to ourselves, neglect our own needs, and break our own promises. This leads to inconsistency and frustration.

Here’s a perspective that might help you:

“Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.” - Jordan Peterson.

Imagine this: you’re not you. Picture that your primary responsibility is to help your best friend get in shape and stay consistent. What advice would you give them about their nutrition? How would you encourage them to prioritize their workouts? Would you talk sh*t to them if they slipped up on their diet one day?

Take a moment to truly think about this.

The hardest part about losing weight and staying consistent isn’t “knowing what to do.” You already know what to do. The challenge lies in actually doing those things.

By approaching your fitness journey with this mindset, you might find it to be a game changer. Treat yourself with the same care and respect you would offer to a close friend.

You deserve it.

Hope this helps!

Marie Summers

Certified Personal Trainer | Nutrition Specialist | I Specialize in 1-on-1 nutrition, exercise, and mindset coaching for women. The coaching aims to help women become their fittest, healthiest, and most confident selves. I’ve helped hundreds of women gain strength, lose body fat, and improve their health.

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