Marie Summers Fitness

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A Match Made in Heaven

Self-Love and Fitness - A Match Made in Heaven

Self-love and fitness go together like peanut butter and jelly (oh man I love PBNJ). Caring for your health and well-being is a direct reflection of how much you love yourself. As a fitness and nutrition coach, I have seen how practicing self-love can transform an individual's approach to fitness. Instead of using exercise as a form of punishment, people who love themselves see it as a form of self-care.

Individuals who love themselves make healthy choices. They prefer nutritious foods and exercises that feel good, resulting in fewer destructive behaviors like binge eating or skipping workouts. Loving yourself also means accepting yourself as you are. You don't have to look like someone else or have a specific body type to be healthy and fit. Celebrate your body for what it can do, rather than criticizing it for what it can't do.

Here are some tips to cultivate self-love on your fitness journey:

  • Focus on how you feel rather than how you look.

  • Pay attention to how your body feels after a workout or after eating a nourishing meal.

  • Take time to rest and recover when you need it.

  • Be kind to yourself. Treat yourself with the same compassion and understanding that you would give to a friend.

Fitness is not just about the physical aspect. It's about taking care of your whole self – mind, body, and spirit. When you approach fitness from a place of self-love, the journey becomes more enjoyable and less stressful.

Loving yourself enough to know your worth is a difficult journey, but it's worth taking. Self-love can lead to a better relationship with food, exercise, and improved mental health. Your worth is inherent and should be recognized by yourself and others. Recognizing your worth regardless of your physical appearance or ability to stick to a diet and exercise plan is essential.

I'm here to remind you to practice self-love every day. This can be as simple as giving yourself a compliment, taking time for self-care, or reminding yourself of your accomplishments. When you love and appreciate yourself, you are better equipped to take on the challenges that come your way, cuz let me tell you challenges can legit come out of no where! You will be able to hold your head high and look back one day proud of yourself for not letting it break you.

Remember that you are worthy of love, respect, and happiness. Keep pushing towards your fitness and nutrition goals, but always prioritize your mental and emotional health.

